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About the Alpine Classic
Technically, the Alpine Classic it is a Touring Road Event running under Motorsport Australia rules and regulations.
It is not a race or a time trial and speed is not a factor in deciding the outcome of the results.
Touring Road Events are a very low cost form of Motorsport. It is not necessary to have a special car, Motorsport Australia licence or any special equipment. It is however very helpful to have a rally meter / an accurate trip meter (which can be an App on your smartphone) but not essential.
The nature of the event is a navigational challenge with two basic types of instructions.
1) the simplest form follows instructions in the form of a route chart with distances and directions, and
2) Instructions that require map reading.
Cars are occupied by crews of two or more people, a driver and a navigator. Passengers may be carried (provided they are included on the entry form and pay a nominated additional fee). In the past we have had three generations of one family in the same car, Grandfather, Son and Grandson. Many of our crews are couples, some are siblings and lots are friends.
Crews are issued with their instructions a few minutes before the start (and then progressively throughout the event) and are required to use these instructions to navigate their way to various control locations arriving at each at their scheduled time. Along the route crews are required to make observations (answer questions or note details on sign boards installed by the organisers) and record these on a card. These observations are used to determine if the crew has used the correct route.
Timing is a feature of the event, but only to keep crews on schedule. Severe penalties are applied for crews that exceed speed limits (yes, we have our own radar ...) and for arriving at control locations earlier than scheduled. There are penalties for arriving at control locations late, however these are half that of arriving early. The average speed between controls never exceeds 80 km/hr.
Points are lost when crews fail to make correct observations. or are unable to maintain the required schedule. The crew in each category with the lowest score is the winner of that category.
Although the use of classic cars is encouraged, it is not essential. The Alpine Classic is open to entries from all types of cars and everyone is welcome.
Your Alpine Classic entry fee covers breakfast, lunch and a two course dinner on Saturday and also the lunch on Sunday. Each crew member will receive a commemorative embroidered baseball cap, an embroidered patch, an event sticker, and an event lanyard (incorporating a rally roamer). The rally pack each crew receives, also includes a windscreen banner and car number. Last but not least - all the instructions and maps you may require to complete the course.
Like we said, great value for money. An event like this in Europe would cost thousands!
Join us for the next event, we're sure you'll love it!
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